A maximum of 1,500 words total. Only three submissions total are allowed. All submissions should be submitted individually. For example: if an author wishes to submit three pieces, they should upload one piece per submission; submissions that include multiple pieces in one submission may not be considered.

A maximum of 1,500 words total. Only three submissions total are allowed. All submissions should be submitted individually. For example: if an author wishes to submit three pieces, they should upload one piece per submission; submissions that include multiple pieces in one submission may not be considered.

A maximum of 1,500 words total. Only three submissions total are allowed. All submissions should be submitted individually. For example: if an author wishes to submit three pieces, they should upload one piece per submission; submissions that include multiple pieces in one submission may not be considered.

Images must be submitted in jpeg format, with a minimum resolution of 200 dpi. Only three submissions total are allowed. All submissions should be submitted individually. For example: if an author wishes to submit three pieces, they should upload one piece per submission; submissions that include multiple pieces in one submission may not be considered.

We’re not word-counters at Penumbra. But we like our poems relatively short—say, between haiku length and about 150 lines or so. Falling outside these parameters won’t automatically disqualify a poem but may indeed strain our readers’ patience.

Only three submissions total are allowed. All submissions should be submitted individually. For example: if an author wishes to submit three pieces, they should upload one piece per submission; submissions that include multiple pieces in one submission may not be considered.

Penumbra: Literary and Art Journal